Terminator Salvation

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Evolution Science or Belief?

The whole evolutionists perspective of evolving is false. Their whole idea of the world, humanity, and the universe being millions upon millions of years old is not provable. Even though they dig up fossils of animals, people, and rock formations and say they are millions of years they can't even prove it the basis of proving a theory or making a theory is Observing, Hypothisizing and experimenting. They can't exactly throw an old 1930's car into a large spinning machine set it for a million years and what they would expect to get is a hover car with cup holders. They wouldn't even anything near that what they would get is a wrecked car and a very large electricty bill.They can carbon date but are they right? There has been places that they have carbon dated for a few million years and then they find some old mining equiptment in there. To think that our existance came from chance is not logical. Everything needs order and it is not by chance that we have massive cities and buildings, a hurricane didn't just come along and build them, people had to built them with what they have. It also doesn't explain how we have a concience if we evoled from apes why don't we act like apes? From this view it gives us an excuse to murder, steal and do other horrific things to people like look at apes they kill each other over food and their lives continue on like nothing happend. If thats right why are we sending people to jail it should be fine but it isn't. Why do we have guilt why is that when you steal from someone you have guilt? Also if evolution was true why aren't we still evolving they have said that we have stopped phiscally evolving and are evolving mentally that is another excuse. For example electricity, the ability to create electricity has been possible all you need is friction that has been available for thousands of years. If you look back at every ancient civilization the Aztecs, Babylonians, Sumarians, Egyptions and the Romans they all worshiped gods or themselves there in a sense has been a desire for worshiping things evolution doesn't explain this. Evolution is not science it is a belief. Christianity has the answers to all these questions God used order and structure to create our world and everything that is in it and the universe in six days and took a break on the seventh day. The world is even ten thousand years old it is around seven thousand give or take. It doesn't take millions of years for everything to come into existance all it takes is God.

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